Thursday, November 13, 2008

William Ayers on GMA

This will be an interesting thing to watch tomorrow morning. Good Morning America will have an exclusive interview with William Ayers, the same person Barock Obama has been criticized for having some sort of connection to. It says on the GMA website that he will talk about the reissue of his memoir "Fugitive Days" and about his life as a '60s radical. I wonder if Ayers will have anything to say about Barock Obama or if he decides not to get involved in this.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Can We Please Stop This Now?

You know what annoys me more then anything? When football ball coaches call a timeout just before the other time snaps the ball for a field goal. Come out people. I know you want to ice the kicker but secretly calling a time out without anyone knowing about it isn't fair. And besides, more often then not the kicker will miss the field goal that doesn't count and make the field goal that does count.