I not going to able to vote in this years presidential election but that doesn't mean I haven't been following this election closely. I won't say specifically who I would have voted for because my dad always tells me never say would you are voting for, although some people know who I would vote for. In any case, if there is one thing that I've learned that I will take with me when I get to voting age is this one thing:
Never take political ads with a grain of salt.
Why? Because they are filled with half truths and/or outright lies to make either one candidate look good or the other candidate look bad. Take for example a resent McCain ad that says Barack Obama wants to razes taxes on middle class families; oh, and don't forget to have a depressing looking image of a family to drive the point across. Now if you've never done any research you would think "This is bad. We can't have this.", but if look at his plan the only families that could have a tax raze are the ones that probably have enough money to live several lives*. That's not to say Obama is in the clear. There are plenty of ads out there that have half truths and lies about McCain.
So what is one to do? Maybe one should go to a candidates web site and see just what someones views are. I sure you could come up with plenty of counter-arguments but who would you trust more to tell you what Candidate A's views are: Candidate A or Candidate A's opponent?
*Ever notice that every candidate always says that the other will raze taxes.
At Least It's Finished
5 years ago
That's what I don't get about politicians. They promise to lower taxes, yet they also promise things like more police on the streets, a better education for the children, and such. I want to know how they're going to pay for these things if they do lower taxes. Will they cut the pay of government workers or make slashes to after school programs?
^ You would be surprised how much money the federal government can save or put to better use if they stop using it in favor of lobbyist and other stupid things- like wasting time and money to declare August as National Watermelon month. :rolls eyes:
Or giving themselves a pay increase.
Yeah, that too. Though, they can't really increase their pay for their own term, it has to be for the next term. So I guess that all they have to do is get re-elected.
But that's not what bothers me, because running the government is a pretty big job, so they do deserve to get paid accordingly. But they at least should put the people first instead of doing nothing- like taking vacations instead of deciding whether to drill or not....
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